Thanks for giving us the heads-up, Brad.  I've used my work procurement card 
for Code4Lib registrations, and I haven't seen anything like you've described.


> On Mar 12, 2015, at 8:08 PM, Brad Busenius <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I hope this is the right place to inquire about this. I have some information 
> about a possible problem with the company handling registration for code4lib. 
> I recently noticed a suspicious charge on my credit card for the amount of 
> $64.95. The charge showed up as ACT*ACTIVE-NETWORK. After some investigation 
> I found out this was from a company called ACTIVE Network, LLC. Apparently 
> this company handles registration for events.
> To my dismay I found out that I had been charged for this annually since 
> 2013. I'm very embarrassed that 1. I didn't notice this during the 
> registration process and 2. I didn't catch the charges earlier. Anyhow, after 
> a quick email search I found something surprising; I had received emails from 
> this company at my /work/ email address. I never noticed the emails because 
> they looked like junkmail, however, upon reviewing them I discovered that at 
> some point I had supposedly registered for a free trial that ended after a 
> month, at which point I was automatically enrolled into an annual 
> subscription. Needless to say, I//did /not/ ever sign up for any trial or 
> subscription, at least not to my knowledge.
> Since I have only used my personal credit card for work purposes 3 times, it 
> was easy to tie this to code4lib 2013. I looked at my receipt for code4lib 
> 2013 and saw that something called RegOnline (owned by Lanyon Solutions Inc) 
> was used to process my event registration. Though I'm not sure this is the 
> same company, RegOnline, Lanyon Solutions Inc, and ACTIVE Network, LLC all 
> share the same physical address. I suspect these three companies are one and 
> the same and will refer to them as ACTIVE Network, LLC for the rest of this 
> email.
> I did a little investigating and found out that ACTIVE Network, LLC. uses 
> unscrupulous business practices to trick people into singing up for their 
> annual subscription. The crux of this is an "automatic opt-in" they employ 
> while processing enrollments for third parties. Though I'm very embarrassed I 
> didn't catch this, in my own defense I wasn't expecting it while registering 
> for an academic conference. I'm not blaming anyone nor am I angry with anyone 
> on this list. I only send this email to inquire and inform:
> 1. To see if anyone else has had a similar experience.
> 2. To warn other people from code4lib to check their bank statements.
> 3. To plead with the community to stop using ACTIVE Network, LLC and
>  anything affiliated with them for registration.
> Let me be frank for a moment. ACTIVE Network, LLC engages in highly unethical 
> business practices. I did not intend to enroll in any annual subscriptions 
> when I registered for code4lib and I never would have agreed to anything of 
> the sort had I noticed what was happening. Additionally, the subscription 
> isn't at all relevant to code4lib. I'm not even sure what value is being 
> provided by the subscription. I think it has something to do with coupons for 
> outdoor exercise equipment but I'm not even sure. Also, these guys are bad. 
> They lost class action lawsuits in Iowa and Vermont. In fact, this whole 
> thing is just bad all around. Since noticing the fraudulent charges this 
> morning, I've already disputed them with my bank and filed a formal complaint 
> against ACTIVE Network, LLC with the better business bureau. Apparently I'm 
> not the only one:
> 1. 
> 2.
> 3. 
> 4. 
> I apologize if I've made an error in my investigation or if I've done 
> something inappropriate by emailing this list. I can't imagine that anyone 
> would have intended anything like this but I thought you should all be aware.
> Sincerely,
> Brad Busenius
> Web Administrator
> The University of Chicago Library
> (773) 702-4391

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