Hi all:

The planning team for the Access 2015 Conference is now looking for
volunteers to serve as peer-reviewers. As noted in the Call for Proposals
<http://accessconference.ca/program/call-for-proposals/>, we’ll be
peer-reviewing submissions for proposals that are longer than 15 minutes.

If you’re interested, shoot us an email at accesslib...@gmail.com (by
Friday, March 27th), attaching your most recent CV/resume and answers to
the following questions:


Current Position (including whether you are a student)


Have you been to Access before?

Have you presented at Access before?

Have you done peer review for Access before?

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you might have!

Andrew Lockhart
Reference Librarian
Moncton Public Library

On behalf of the Access 2015 Planning Committee

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