My previous place of employment, Loyola Law School (, switched to Terminal 4 about 4
years ago, it was selected by the HR department for the entire campus.  The
Library had a lot of problems tailoring it to the needs of the Library, and
in my opinion pretty much any library that is forced into predesigned
templates will never really have a user friendly website.  One of the
bigger problems is the huge header menu that was forced on every
department.  Shortly before I left, the Law School hired a full time Drupal
developer to create a Drupal intranet and additional webpages that were not
able to be made in Terminal 4 (If I remember correctly php and javascript
were not supported).  This was 4 years ago and I am sure a lot of things
have changed so I encourage you to check out their website and if you are
seriously considering Terminal 4 I can put you in touch with several people
that still work there.
Jeffrey Sabol
Systems Librarian
Marymount California University

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Sanchez, Edward L. <> wrote:

> Colleagues,
> I am on a campus-wide team charged with evaluating and selecting a new CMS
> system to replace our centralized Apache/PHP/Includes-based web server
> infrastructure.
> Our Libraries and University Archives have relied on the existing
> centralized system and would like to contribute to the selection of a new
> CMS-based platform that will position our library well into the future.
> Currently the list is down to four vendors:
> Hippo
> OmniUpdate
> Terminal 4
> Jahia
> If any of you have experience with any of these systems you wouldn't mind
> sharing please contact me off list.
> Your feedback would be appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Ed
> Edward Sanchez
> Head, Library Information Technology
> Marquette University
> 1355 West Wisconsin Avenue
> Milwaukee, WI 53201
> W: 414-288-6043
> M: 414-839-9569

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