Data Management Librarian
University of Washington

Serving three campuses, the University of Washington Libraries is one of the
largest and most innovative libraries in North America with collections
exceeding 8 million volumes, over 500,000 electronic books, more than 120,000
currently received journal titles, as well as millions of scholarly resources
in other formats. Beyond the strength of local collections and digital
resources, the Libraries is recognized for its excellent service, innovative
learning and research spaces, faculty partnerships, global reach, extensive
assessment efforts and diverse award-winning staff. The
Libraries plays a significant leadership role regionally as a member in the
groundbreaking Orbis Cascade Alliance and throughout the profession as
evidenced by the number of its staff selected for competitive leadership
programs and honored by professional association lifetime achievement awards.

Research Data Services

The Research Data Services unit is responsible for providing in-person and
virtual services to support the research data management needs of faculty and
students at the University of Washington. Unit personnel advise faculty and
students on finding and accessing data, data management planning, data sharing
and reuse, as well as other elements of data curation. An institutional data
repository is currently under development. A robust data curriculum is in
place, offered to faculty, students and librarians. Research Data Services is
a unit of the Reference and Research Services Division and reports to the Data
Services Coordinator. Other units in the Division include Government
Publications, Maps and Cartographic Services, and Microform and Newspaper
Collections (GMM); Information Services; Media Center; Reference Services;
Educational Outreach Services; and Research Data Services. Many of the subject
librarians for disciplines in the Humanities, International Studies, Sciences,
and Social Sciences are located in the Division.

The Position

The University of Washington Libraries seeks a creative and energetic
librarian to provide leadership in the ongoing development and implementation
of the research data curriculum. The Data Management Librarian works closely
with subject librarians and other Libraries experts in identifying content and
delivery, as well as collaborating with campus partners. The librarian
implements, maintains, and continually evaluates the Research Data Services
Communication Plan.

Specific Responsibilities and Duties

The Data Management Librarian develops and implements a data curriculum, and
designs and conducts classes and walk-in workshops utilizing new modes and
tools in providing guidance and instruction in the areas of data discovery,
data literacy, and data management best practices for library staff and users.
The librarian collaborates with faculty and other partners to integrate data
management skills into the UW's curriculum. The librarian implements and
continually evaluates the Research Data Services Communications Plan to
broaden programmatic reach and to keep the university community informed about
policies and activities regarding data services. With other members of the
Data Services Team, the librarian conducts needs assessments and measures
instructional outcomes to ensure program effectiveness.



  * Graduate degree from a program accredited by the American Library 
Association or an equivalent graduate library science/information studies 
  * Demonstrated commitment to diversity and understanding of the contributions 
a diverse workforce brings to the workplace.
  * Minimum of two years post-MLIS experience in an academic library.
  * Demonstrated aptitude for teaching and developing user-oriented training 
and informational resources.
  * Demonstrated competence in using current technologies and multimedia tools 
in the creative design, enhancement and delivery of instruction.
  * Demonstrated ability to effectively build partnerships and work 
collaboratively with a variety of individuals and groups in a rapidly changing 
  * Demonstrated initiative, creativity, and flexibility, and evidence of 
success in conceiving, implementing, and managing new programs and services.
  * Evidence of excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  * Evidence of the ability to handle multiple, complex projects simultaneously 
within established timeframes but with occasionally changing priorities and 
conditions with minimal supervision.

  * Familiarity with, and commitment to, the discovery, use, and management of 
  * Demonstrated knowledge of issues, trends, and current applications of the 
role of data in research and scholarly communication.
  * Evidence of the ability to design effective assessments of student learning 
and use of the data collected to guide personal teaching and professional 
  * Experience assisting researchers with data management planning.


$24,000 minimum at 50%. Starting salary commensurate with qualifications and


Position will be at rank of Senior Assistant Librarian, depending on
qualifications and background.


Librarians are academic personnel and participate in the University of
Washington Retirement Plan on a matching basis. Vacation is accrued at the
rate of 24 working days per year; sick leave at the rate of 12 working days
per year. No state or local income tax.

Application Process

To apply for this position, please submit the following information to

Cover letter (addressed to Laura Lillard, Assistant Director, Libraries
Academic Human Resources)

Curriculum vitae or resume (include a telephone number, mailing address, email
address and salary requirements)

List of three references who are knowledgeable of your qualifications for this
position, one of which must be your current supervisor (include telephone
numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses)

Please use "Librarian Application" in the subject heading

Please submit all components in a single, multi-page PDF document. All
submissions will be maintained in a secure, password protected online file
space until interviews are conducted. Then, some application materials will be

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