We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Access Library 
Technology Conference taking place from September 8-11 in Toronto. Access is a 
multi-day conference that brings together passionate people from the library 
world, including librarians, technicians, developers, programmers, and managers 
to discuss aspects of technology use and innovation.

You can register here: http://accessconference.ca/registration-access-2015/.

** Note: Discounted Early Bird Registration Ends Friday, May 23 **

For more information about the program, please visit 
http://accessconference.ca/program/speakers-and-talks/. This list is growing 
every day – keep checking back for more exciting speakers and topics!

Discounted travel and room rates are available as well. For more information, 
please visit the conference website at 
http://accessconference.ca<http://accessconference.ca/>. If you have any 
questions, you can email us at 
accesslib...@gmail.com<mailto:accesslib...@gmail.com> or get at us on Twitter 
at @accesslibcon.

We look forward to seeing you at Access!


The Access 2015 Organizing Committee

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