
I recommend cloud editors. 


Cornel Darden Jr.  
Library Department Chair
South Suburban College

"Our Mission is to Serve our Students and the Community through lifelong 

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> On May 16, 2015, at 9:20 AM, Sarles Patricia (18K500) 
> <psar...@schools.nyc.gov> wrote:
> I just this minute subscribed to this list after reading Andromeda Yelton's 
> column in American Libraries from yesterday with great interest since I would 
> like to teach coding in my high school library next year.
> I purchased Andy Harris' HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies for my summer 
> reading and the free HTML editors he mentions in the book are either not 
> really free or are not compatible with my lab's 2008 Macs.
> Can anyone recommend a free HTML editor for older Macs?
> Many thanks and happy to be on this list,
> Patricia
> ____________________________________________
> Patricia Sarles, MA (Anthropology), MLS
> Librarian
> Jerome Parker Campus Library
> 100 Essex Drive
> Staten Island, NY 10314
> 718-370-6900 x1322
> psar...@schools.nyc.gov
> http://jeromeparkercampus.libguides.com/home
> You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a 
> man is wise by his questions. - Naguib Mahfouz
> As a general rule the most successful man in life is the man who has the best 
> information. - Benjamin Disraeli

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