Sarles Patricia (18K500) wrote:
I just this minute subscribed to this list after reading Andromeda Yelton's 
column in American Libraries from yesterday with great interest since I would 
like to teach coding in my high school library next year.

I purchased Andy Harris' HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies for my summer 
reading and the free HTML editors he mentions in the book are either not really 
free or are not compatible with my lab's 2008 Macs.

Can anyone recommend a free HTML editor for older Macs?

Well... you could see if SeaMonkey runs - it includes Composer which gives you both WYSIWIG and HTML source editing - or it's later derivatives NVU and Komposer. Since those are relatively old, they should run on a circa 2008 Mac.

Of course any text editor will let you edit HTML - and, assuming you're running OS X, you've got unix underneath. You've pretty much got your pick of anything that will run in a console window or an X-window.

Your real problem might be running a browser that's new enough to support HTML5 and CSS3. Otherwise, editing HTML isn't going to do you much good.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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