Thanks for the responses; keep them coming, if you have other ideas.

It's hard to demarcate domains, but my userbase consists largely of librarians and liberal arts faculty.

I wasn't at all aware of Microsoft Academic Search. Their content looks thorough, though it doesn' include books:

But based on the few searches I tried, it looks to be horrible at de-duping.

I like the idea of using Zotero or Mendeley but that would put the burden of managing the data on me.

My hope was either to find some reasonable data ready-made (MS Academic Search shows promise) or to relegate that to my users by making the process useful in other ways (ORCID).

Dan, can you use ORCID IDs with Zotero? (Though that might create another hoop to jump through.)

Another tack in my case might be to aim for an indicative, rather an exhaustive, list of works. That would require more human brain than API, but would decrease the size of the data.


On 05/21/2015 12:23 AM, Dan Scott wrote:
Good timing for this discussion!

On Wed, 20 May 2015 at 17:03 Laura Robbins <> wrote:

If you're looking to compile your own data, Zotero is a great way to
do it and provides an API.  I recently moved our faculty publications
database into it.

We're embarking on a self-compilation exercise and are going the Zotero
route as well, relying on the power of student labour to take the
bibliography section of each faculty member's CV and add them to Zotero
group libraries.

I'm cobbling together a super-simple Flask-on-PostgreSQL web app that will
take the Zotero export as RIS, migrate it into a relational database, and
enable us to clean up / enrich the data from there ( if you want to peek at it's very early, very
much in progress state).

One thing I've learned is that I realllllllly wish is that Zotero offered
linked data authority control, so that I could assert that  this "Smith,
Jane" is either different or the same as that "Smith, Jane" at the time of
creating or editing the bibliography entry, but for now we're going to do
the deduping & URI addition after the fact. The URIs will be exposed as
RDFa in the HTML of course.

If you're looking to compile data, though I hate to suggest it, is
there an API for google scholar?  It's not a perfect resource, but for
humanities and social sciences, I've found some publications for our
faculty that they hadn't given me themselves.

There is no API for Google Scholar, alas. There is an API for Microsoft
Academic Search at
which might be of interest. Haven't tried it myself.

The Mendeley API looks quite interesting as well. Wasn't aware of that,
even--thanks Bee!

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