I'm looking for someone who understands Python enough to troubleshoot basic
issues and would be willing to help out during a pre-conference session
coming up at ALA in San Francisco on Thursday, June 25th.  The
Python/PyMARC portion of the pre-conference will be in the afternoon from
2:45-4:15pm.  The earlier sessions of the pre-conference are on XML
technologies and XQuery.

I'm needing someone who could monitor the room during the session,
especially the hands-on exercises, in order to help participants if they
hit any obstacles.  This could be anything from simple syntax debugging to
installation issues.

I realize it's a long-shot to find someone who a) knows a little bit of
Python, b) would be in San Fran on Thursday, June 25th, and c) is available
and willing to volunteer....  but here's to hoping :)

If you or someone you know might be interested or have any questions,
please get in touch!


Heidi Frank
Electronic Resources & Special Formats Cataloger
New York University Libraries
Knowledge Access & Resources Management Services
20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor
New York, NY  10003
212-998-2499 (office)
212-995-4366 (fax)
Skype: hfrank71

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