The community did a great job of nominating potential keynote speakers
for the 2016 Code4Lib Conference in Philadelpha, and the Keynote
Committee has been contacting them for the past couple of weeks to
verify their availability and interest in speaking at the conference.
We don't yet have responses from everyone, but it looks like we have
fewer potential speakers for you to vote on than in past years, so
we're re-opening nominations through this Friday, September 11.

Who would you most like to see deliver the keynote? Please contribute
to the list:

To generate ideas, check out the nominees from previous years:

Want to add to the list, but don't have a wiki account or want to
bother with setting one up? Please email your submission to either of
the Keynote Committee members listed below. We're also happy to answer
any questions about the nomination process.


Brett Bonfield <>
Whitni Watkins <>

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