We (Cornell University Library IT -- CUL-IT) are looking for two software
developers to work on arXiv.org [1], Project Euclid [2] and other
repository systems.

The successful candidates will help develop the library’s evolving
repository information architecture and services, and will work in a small
team collaborating with other CUL-IT, library, Cornell and partner
institution staff to balance innovation and stewardship in maintaining
information systems that hundreds of thousands of users rely upon. A
significant portion of development work uses Perl and the Perl/Catalyst
framework, while we are adopting Ruby/Rails/Blacklight/Hydra for a number
of new projects. The repositories group also contributes to development of
linked data components for the library’s new discovery system.

Full job posting: https://goo.gl/bVuhbx

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


[1] http://arxiv.org
[2] http://projecteuclid.org

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