Sorry for duplication.  I also asked web4lib.
I've noticed a major decrease in my Google Analytics data because of <no 
tracking> so I'm looking at other web analytics tools. We run the Google 
Analytics module on a Drupal site. I'm curious what other libraries are doing 
to capture web site user behavior.  Additional GA modules?  Combination of 
tagging and log analysis via a vendor system? Perhaps, using a CRM like 
SalesForce?  I did get a recommendation about Piwik so I'm off to investigate.

I'm trying to address the <no tracking> issue, but I'm also contemplating the 
pie-in-the-sky analytics wish list.  Is there something that provides an 
archived, comprehensive, one-stop-shopping data source for all the web site 
user behavior that is accessible by all Library staff and can be used to easily 
generate data visualization reports for analysis, ROI reports, and making data 
driven decisions regarding the web site.  Perhaps, mixed with system 
performance reports and alerts for monitoring how systems are performing.  Is 
there something that makes it easy to upload or access enterprise data where 
the user is guided through statistical analytics and or visualization?  Maybe 
there is a method of obtaining and archiving and strategically scrubbing that 
ensures user privacy that adheres to ALA's Library Bill of Rights and Core 
Values of Librarianship?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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