Researcher Information Systems Coordinator
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Duties and Responsibilities: The primary focus for the Coordinator for
Repository Services will be aiding scholars to deposit both scholarly output
and data in repositories--institutional, disciplinary, or otherwise--that can
ensure sustained access to their work over time. The Coordinator interacts
closely with other members of the Repository Management Team, the Research
Data Service, and the Scholarly Communications and Publishing units, to ensure
that both user-facing and back-office functions of Library repositories
support scholars' needs and preferences. The position also
collaborates with the Scholarly Commons to provide outreach through
consultations, and teaching the co-sponsored Savvy Researcher workshop
series. He or she will work closely with
the Research Data Service as well as the Scholarly Communications and
Publishing program to ensure that publications are available for the long-term
in appropriate repositories providing outreach and education, and other
pertinent services.

Qualifications: Required: Master's degree; experience developing and managing
programs and services in an academic setting; prior experience working with
research impact metrics and the scholarly communications ecosystem;
demonstrated experience managing people and resources in large, complex
projects with multiple stakeholders; Experience with institution-wide outreach
and communication programs, and with the development and vetting of policy and
guidelines; experience working with individual scholars, units, and
organizations involved in the academic research enterprise; understanding of
the research and scholarly communications system within an academic
setting. See for preferred


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