[No attempt at an empty apology for cross-posting/OT post. Not today,

Hello everyone,

This week, January 18 - 23, is LIS Mental Health Week 2016, or
#lismentalhealth if you are on various social media platforms. This week,
co-organized by Cecily Walker and Kelly McElroy, focuses on raising
awareness about mental health issues surrounding LIS as well as sharing
resources in educating and assisting yourself and/or others in all things
mental health.

Librarianship, at its core, is a service profession which requires a higher
level of emotional labor and empathy. Sometimes we forget that, and we as a
community suffer due to that forgetfulness. Combine that with the stigma
around mental health, and we face a double whammy. This week is only a
beginning point to address these issues on a community wide level.

Monday (today) there will be a Twitter chat on the #lismentalhealth hashtag
at 4 PM PST and there are many other ways you can get involved this week -
or staying on the sidelines during various discussions if self care calls
for it. Participate on the level that you feel most comfortable doing at
this time.

More information can be found at
http://cecily.info/2015/12/20/announcing-lis-mental-health-week-2016/ and
You can follow the conversation on Twitter at
in addition to content you will see from various blogs, FB updates, and
other online sources.


Becky Yoose
Library Applications and Systems Manager
The Seattle Public Library

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