Congratulations to the scholarship recipients and big thanks to the
Scholarship Committee for their hard work.

I found the website with the list of names, but there's no more information
about each of the recipients. Will there be any?


On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 5:22 PM, Spencer Lamm <> wrote:

> The Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the Code4Lib 2016
> Conference Diversity Scholarship awardees. Through the generosity of MIT
> Libraries, Penn State Libraries, DPLA, Drexel University College of
> Computing & Informatics, Reto Kromer AV Preservation, Mark Matienzo, Ashley
> Blewer, University of Miami Libraries, and the Code4lib community we were
> able to award ten $1,420 scholarships to defray costs associated with
> attending the conference.
> We received a large number of applications from highly qualified
> candidates this year, and it was a humbling experience for the committee to
> select just ten awardees. Congratulations to all Code4Lib scholarship
> recipients!
> The awardees are:
> Alison Blaine
> Cori Holder
> Adrienne Lai
> Elinore Nygaard
> Ariadne Rehbein
> Marya Sawaf
> Helenmary Sheridan
> Tara Strongosky
> Patricia Villanueva
> Xiaocan (Lucy) Wang
> Spencer
> Code4Lib 2016 Scholarship Committee

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