On Mar 1, 2016, at 9:39 PM, Fitchett, Deborah 
<deborah.fitch...@lincoln.ac.nz<mailto:deborah.fitch...@lincoln.ac.nz>> wrote:

I actually feel that the tech side of library things may be less bewildering to 
a non-tech person than the *culture*. Things like:

* the way any progress happens in University Time
* the way we're dependent on vendors in ways that mean that yes, often our 
systems SUCK but we just have to play the hand we're dealt
* the sometimes-fraught relationship between Library IT and University IT
* the customer-focus of the library - including colleagues as customers
* and relatedly, the collaborative nature of so much library work
* depending on where they've come from and how well you're staffed, the very 
"bitsy" nature of Library IT, not just in having to know about lots of things 
but having to jump from one thing to another at a moment's notice to 
troubleshoot instead of being able to get stuck into a project

If someone has no experience in libraries and gets thrust into this culture 
from something quite different, then no matter how quickly they pick up the 
tech they risk feeling very adrift in terms of how Things Are Done Around Here 
and jangling with people because each party is trying to interact in very 
different ways.

Or they may be a perfect fit culturally and that's why they've made the move! 
But it's worth keeping a watch to be sure there aren't any "culture shock" 
incidents, or if there are to deal with them before they cause too much stress.



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