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Free webinar for developers next week (March 17) on querying the SHARE data

Learn to query the SHARE data set of 5 million research release events.
[image: Learn to query the SHARE data set of 5 million research release
[image: SHARE logo] <>

* SHARE to Offer Webinar for Developers on Querying SHARE Data Set of
Research Events *
* Judy Ruttenberg | 202-296-2296 <202-296-2296> |
<> | March 3, 2016 *
The SHARE team is hosting a free webinar
<> for the higher education and
library developer community on Thursday, March 17, 2016, at 2:00–3:30 p.m.
EDT. Erin Braswell from the Center for Open Science—and SHARE’s primary
developer—will introduce the SHARE application programming interface (API),
present how to perform queries and visualizations with the data, and
discuss potential uses for the data in universities and libraries, such as
querying the data set for new research from your institution.
SHARE is a free, open data set about research and scholarly activity across
the life cycle. With an open, common API and more than 5 million records of
research release events harvested from nearly 100 digital repositories,
this community can use SHARE to power scholarly discovery and
collaboration, and to gain new insight into knowledge networks. While the
SHARE team concentrates on its primary objective to enhance and enrich the
data itself, we call on the open source community—particularly in
libraries—to build tools for discovery and integration.
In this 90-minute webinar, Erin Braswell will present three tutorials
<> she has developed using open
source technology—Python <> to
access and query the SHARE API and Jupyter Notebooks
<> to create and share
documents containing live code:

   - SHARE API Basics
   - Complex Queries and Basic Visualization
   - SHARE Data in the Wide World

Register for this free webinar
<> and learn how to make the
most of the SHARE data set.
* About SHARE*
SHARE <> is a higher education
initiative whose mission is to maximize research impact by making research
widely accessible, discoverable, and reusable. To fulfill this mission
SHARE is building a free, open data set about research and scholarly
activities across their life cycle. The initiative is led by the Association
of Research Libraries (ARL) <>
and the Center for Open Science (COS)
<> with the support of the
of American Universities (AAU)
<> and the Association of
Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)
<>. SHARE is underwritten, in
part, by generous funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
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Judy Ruttenberg
Program Director
Association of Research Libraries
21 Dupont Circle, NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036-1118
phone 202-296-2296
fax 202-872-0884

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