Paid Internship - Summer 2016
University of Virginia

Paid Internship - Summer 2016

University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville VA

The University of Virginia Library, a leader in the development of digital
library initiatives and infrastructure and recognized for the strength and
variety of its special collections, is excited to offer a ten-week summer
internship to provide a graduate student with practical experience in both

The Library seeks a creative and flexible individual to work in the following

  * Legacy finding aid conversion using various software, including but not 
limited to an XML-based processor as well as ArchivesSpace, a tool for managing 
metadata for archival materials
  * Metadata creation in the form of subject analysis for legacy finding aids 
and for other digital projects (training will be provided)
  * Marketing and promotion for newly-available collections through established 
social media channels
Upon completion of the internship, the selected applicant will have worked
among several departments in the library and will have gained familiarity with
archival processing software, metadata analysis and application, and social
media marketing initiatives. This 35hr/week, ten-week
internship provides a stipend of $5,000.


  * Applicants must currently be enrolled in good standing or recently 
graduated (within the last year) from an ALA- accredited master's program in 
library and information studies.
  * Practical experience with archival processing workflows and with EAD is 
  * Practical experience with metadata manipulation and management is highly 
  * Applicants must commit to 10 weeks of full-time on-site service (35 
  * Internship must be completed between May and August.
  * If not a U.S. citizen, applicants must have student or working visas.
Students interested in the internship should prepare the following application
package (preferably as a single PDF):

  * A letter of application stating areas of proficiency and interest
  * A resume
  * An unofficial transcript
  * Contact information for three references
Please send all materials by email to Ivey Glendon (,
Manager for Metadata Analysis & Design, by Monday, April 11, 2016.

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