FigShare also includes active storage / management space for individuals and 

I know several universities are looking at using FigShare for these purposes, 
and then feeding “finished” data into their existing IR or preservation repo.

- Tom

On Apr 12, 2016, at 6:54 AM, Christine Mayo <<>> 

Dryad and FigShare are both preservation repositories, not collaboration
spaces like what the OP is looking for. I'm afraid I don't have any
recommendations of a good collaborative working space, but Dryad in
particular is only for data in a finished state which are associated with a
specific peer-reviewed publication. Nature recommends those repositories
for storing data associated with their articles, most journals don't have
info or recommendations on how to manage data before you get to the
archiving point of the lifecycle.

We're working on implementing DataVerse here at BC, but I get the
impression that it's much the same, that a depositor can self-submit
depending on the settings, but the only real option then is to publish it,
I don't know that other members of the research team can easily get in and
modify things. Which is too bad, as it does meet the need of being
something that you can host locally if you choose.

I would absolutely +1 Open Science Framework, but that does have the issue
of being cloud storage rather than a framework you can set up on a local

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Tom Keays 
<<>> wrote:

Nature magazine recommends figshare or the Dryad Digital Repository. They
also list others by subject.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 8:25 AM, K. Godfrey <>

Hi all

We've been approached by a researcher who would like our assistance in
storing data (various file types) on an on-going project (not at a data
preservation stage yet). The researcher wants to be able to access, add
change this data from their project site and allow her fellow research
partners (not necessarily at our institution) access as well. Are any
folks offering this kind of service? Have you partnered with campus IT to
make this happen? Are you using particular software, such as DataVerse or
Pydio to facilitate such a service? Thanks!


K r i s t a G o d f r e y


Interim Head, Library Information Technology Services/
Web Services Librarian
Library IT Services
Queen Elizabeth II Library
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL
A1B 3Y1


"He's like Super Librarian, y'know?
Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon."
-  Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Christine Mayo
Digital Production Librarian
Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Library
Boston College<>

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