Have a look at http://grimoire.ca/mysql/choose-something-else:

   "Considering MySQL? Use something else. Already on MySQL? Migrate.
   For every successful project built on MySQL, you could uncover a
   history of time wasted mitigating MySQL's inadequacies, masked by a
   hard-won, but meaningless, sense of accomplishment over the effort
   spent making MySQL behave."

PostgreSQL is a much better option and a sounder investment for the future.


On 16-04-15 02:23 PM, Ben Cail wrote:
I would suggest looking at postgresql <http://www.postgresql.org/>. It may not be as widely used as mysql, but it is used a lot, and it's a high-quality piece of database software. It's also free.


On 04/15/2016 02:18 PM, Matt Sherman wrote:
Hi all,

I am looking to pick the group brain as to what might be the most useful
database software for a digital project I am collaborating on. We are
working on converting an annotated bibliography to a searchable database.
While I have the data in a few structured formats, we need to figure out
now what to actually put it in so that it can be queried. My default line
of thinking is to try a MySQL since it is free and used ubiquitously
online, but I wanted to see if there were any other database or software
systems that we should also consider before investing a lot of time in one
approach.  Any advice and suggestions would be appreciated.

Matt Sherman

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