On Mar 24, 2016, at 10:29 AM, Eric Lease Morgan <emor...@nd.edu> wrote:

> Alas, the Code4Lib mailing list software will most likely need to be migrated 
> before the end of summer, and I’m proposing a number possible options for the 
> lists continued existence...

Our list — Code4Lib — will be migrating to the Digital Library Federation (DLF) 
sometime in the near future. [1] 

As I believe I alluded to previously, the University of Notre Dame (where 
Code4lib is currently being hosted) is discontinuing support for the venerable 
LISTSERV software. The University is offering two options: 1) doing nothing and 
letting lists die, or 2) migrating them to Google Groups. Neither of the 
options appealed to me. 

Through the process of making these issues public, Bethany Nowviskie and Wayne 
Graham — both of the DLF/CLIR — have graciously offered to host our mailing 
list. “Thank you, Wayne and Bethany!!” Sometime in the near future, I’m not 
exactly sure when, our mailing list's configurations will be copied from one 
host to another, and the address of our list will change to something like 
code4...@lists.clir.org. For better or for worse, the mailing list software 
will continue to be the venerable LISTSERV software. 

‘More later, as news makes itself available. FYI.

[1] DLF - https://www.diglib.org

Eric Lease Morgan
Artist- And Librarian-At-Large

“Lost In Rome”

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