Web Development Specialist
Oak Park Public Library
Oak Park

 The Oak Park Public Library is looking for a people-
focused, creative and organized Web Development Specialist to join the team of
Digital Services. The Web Development Specialist will be responsible for the
Library's web presence and online services. Core duties include information
architecture, project management, and evaluation of emerging platforms for
social and web presences. This position will also be part of the Experiences
and Initiatives team which encompasses all public services, and will have
additional responsibilities accordingly.


Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

 Lead the Library's
online presence and efforts to uphold the Library's mission, goals, and

 Lead the Library's
intranet presence and the use of technology to communicate effectively within
the organization

 Manage web and
mobile app development projects

 Integrate third-
party systems, software and services with the Library's web presence

 Work with Digital
Services staff to ensure updates and maintenance is performed on the software
and hardware infrastructure that support the Library's web presence

 Engage in the
quarterly Web Content Review process and in establishing content request

 Perform regular
accessibility audits of the Library's web presence and tests across multiple

 Perform regular
usability testing and customer research to ensure that the user experience is
top priority

 Analysis and
evaluation of usage statistics

 Collaborate with
Communications Manager on social media strategy

 Assist in the
planning, development and evaluation of new services

troubleshooting for patrons using the Library's website, email, and social
media presence

 Assist with online
outreach to promote virtual and in-person library services

 Assist with some
public service, including occasional service desk shifts, technology training,
troubleshooting, and other potential services to the public

 Maintain and
actively encourage the staff use of the Technology Toolkit as a learning tool.

 Maintain an
awareness of products, services, technology applications, and trends by
reading library and technology literature, news media, and blogs, and
proactively seek out and recommend areas for improvement and innovation.

organizational and technical skills as needed.


 Web design or
development BA or relevant experience

 Preferred MLS or
MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution and/or relevant work experience in a
public library or non-profit.

 Extensive experience
administering a Drupal website is a must.

 Understanding of the
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and Python) software stack model for web servers

 Proven ability with
and knowledge of web-based technologies, personal computers, and mobile
devices across a wide-range of platforms.

 Solid judgment and
the ability to work independently.

 Technical competence
and a willingness to learn and grow.

 Ability to write for
the web.

 Strong track record
of project management.

interpersonal and customer service skills.

 Ability to work with
limited supervision and as part of a team.

This position is full-time 40 hours per week, with occasional off-hours
availability for special projects. Salary range begins at $43,825.60 with
excellent benefits.

Please send a resume, cover letter, and portfolio of two to three completed
web projects to Eric Battaglia, Manager for Digital Services at
employm...@oppl.org . This search is open until the position has been filled.

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