> Does anyone else want to self-nominate, to join a group to investigate
> making Code4Lib fiscally sustainable? Does someone want to *organize* that
> group? (Put the group on some communications medium, make deadlines, keep
> people on task -- stuff like that.) To be clear: nobody is proposing that
> it be a decision-making body; it would just be a fact-finding group, who
> would write up a list of the options to present to the larger community
> (and maybe preside over some kind of vote? I don't know, I guess the group
> will decide how to get the community to make decisions, too).

I would like to be a member of this group. Let's do the legal due
diligence, put out
feelers for partner orgs, and agree on a voting procedure.

- Tom

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Coral Sheldon-Hess <co...@sheldon-hess.org>

> If we wait to start talking about it until conference 2017, that means
> conference committee 2018 will have to find its own temporary fiscal agent.
> Or 2018 could just not happen at all, I guess.
> Even if we do all the pre-work and just wait to make the decision at the
> conference, that doesn't leave much wiggle room for 2018.
> Also, if we only talk about it in person, we leave out everyone who is
> unable to attend conference. That's potentially a lot of interested people.
> I'm not sure we want to become *that *kind of library organization; our
> virtual decision-making model is one of our most attractive features, in my
> opinion (speaking as someone with disabilities and an uneven budget over
> the last few years).
> So I would encourage anyone interested in exploring fiscal
> sponsorship/becoming a nonprofit/[other solutions?] to form a group/task
> force/committee/whatever and to start researching options now, with a
> reasonable deadline for communicating back out to the whole community, so
> that we can all take part in making an informed decision before the 2018
> conference committee needs to get started (if, indeed, our community's
> consensus is to do 2018).
> Chad volunteered to help, and his knowledge about the 2016 process and
> budgets will make him incredibly helpful. We should take him up on that. I
> volunteered to help, and my previous research on starting a nonprofit
> and/or finding a fiscal sponsor for a previous project will make me also
> potentially helpful. Maybe we should take me up on that, or maybe the
> committee should not have anyone *quite* as in favor of radical change (or
> as new to the community) as I am. I defer to the group on that, once it
> forms.
> Does anyone else want to self-nominate, to join a group to investigate
> making Code4Lib fiscally sustainable? Does someone want to *organize* that
> group? (Put the group on some communications medium, make deadlines, keep
> people on task -- stuff like that.) To be clear: nobody is proposing that
> it be a decision-making body; it would just be a fact-finding group, who
> would write up a list of the options to present to the larger community
> (and maybe preside over some kind of vote? I don't know, I guess the group
> will decide how to get the community to make decisions, too).
> - Coral

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