Greetings once more from the Chattanooga Local Planning Committee -

We come with another update regarding the annual Code4Lib conference. After the 
announcement of our survey, two other groups immediately reached out about the 
possibility of hosting the conference. Of those two, the one that is the most 
confident about being able to secure a fiscal host and still pull off 
everything within the existing timeframe, is the LA-based C4L-SoCal. We spoke 
with three of their members earlier in the week - Gary Thompson, Christina 
Salazar, and Joshua Gomez. After discussion, we collectively envision a 
collaboration between the two groups, given the effort, energy and commitment 
the Chattanooga group has already invested. The LA group would handle more of 
the venue and local arrangements, with the Chattanooga group helping spearhead 
other planning elements.

Thus, the idea is to host the annual conference in the greater LA area.

However, even though Chattanooga's proposal was the only one put forth for next 
year, since this suggestion does reflect a significant change, and because LA 
is still working on securing a fiscal host, we are proposing to the community 
the following:

- Since a handful of individuals came forth w/alternative cities subsequent to 
my last update, any group who now wishes to put forth a proposal, do so by July 
- Given the specter of timecrunch, we ask anyone, including LA, who would put 
forth another city, to only do so with written confirmation of a fiscal host by 
that same deadline.
- If more than one city has put forth a proposal and secured a fiscal host 
within that window of time, we will put it to a community vote, with polls 
being left up through July 15th.

As always, comments and suggestions welcome. Thanks for all the existing 
feedback, dialogue, various offers people have come forth with, and the 
patience while we try to wrangle up a physical home for 2017.

- Brian Rogers

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