there was a typo in that code i meant to put: 


I tried the second approach just in case, think I read it on the blog, but 
neither seem to do it.

On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 7:15:42 PM UTC+8, Gareth Murfin wrote:
> No matter how often I try, I find the whole side menu thing quite 
> confusing. Until now I have had to avoid right hand side menus because I 
> simply cannot get them to work. Left hand side I have been able to get 
> working using Toolbar, roughly something like this:
> Toolbar toolbarForLeftMenu;
> if (toolbarForLeftMenu==null)
>         {
>             toolbarForLeftMenu = new Toolbar();
>         }
>         toolbarForLeftMenu.setHidden(true);
>         f.setToolbar(toolbarForLeftMenu);
>         final Container SideMenuLEFT = 
> (Container)this.createContainer(resources, "SideMenuLEFT");
>         toolbarForLeftMenu.addComponentToSideMenu(SideMenuLEFT);
> That works great. However I also need a right menu, which you cannot do 
> with the Toolbar  as far as I am aware. So I am trying to add a right menu 
> by using SideMenuBar, this actually opens up the side bar fine but I cannot 
> work out how to actually add my container to it, here is what I am doing, 
> but it always remains empty:
> final Container SideMenuRIGHT = (Container)this.createContainer(resources, 
> "SideMenuRIGHT");        
>         if (smbForRightMenu==null)
>         {
>             smbForRightMenu = (SideMenuBar) 
> Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getMenuBar();
>             smbForRightMenu.add(SideMenuRIGHT);
>             smbForRightMenu.putClientProperty("SideComponent", 
> smbForRightMenu);//revalidate();
>             _("added content to the right menu...");
>         }
> smbForRightMenu.openMenu(SideMenuBar.COMMAND_PLACEMENT_VALUE_RIGHT);
> So basically my question is, why doesnt my container (SideMenuRIGHT) 
> appear on the right menu when it opens up ?

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