So I always make a method like this:

//for printing
    private static void _(String s)
        if (Prefs.DEBUG)
  "####StateMachine "+s);

then when it comes to release I set Prefs.DEBUG (which is final) to false, 
would this mean the method was stripped out during compilation? On both 
iOS/Android? Or not ? It's just that during dev I really need A LOT of 
print outs to follow my code, but then for release obviously I dont want 
any. In the old J2ME days I used to do a find and replace on all calls to 
_("hello"); etc before release, but im wondering if that's necessary 

I assume if its not stripped out during compilation then each call even if 
it really does nothing may add up (i do a lot in loops etc) to eventually 
slow certain things down (even by X many ms). But from what I understand 
modern java compilers would remove it since it really doesnt do anything if 
debug is false.

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