Try getAllStyles() instead of getStyle(). Never use getStyle() for these 
sort of things.

On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 6:29:06 AM UTC+2 rdvg...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> As the image shows and included 6 buttons inside a container "Container 
> (new GridLayout (3, 2))". Buttons are created by a single method:
> private Button creaBoton(String texto, boolean activa) { String uiid = 
> activa ? "Dialog" : "Dialog"; Button btBoton = new Button(texto, uiid); 
> btBoton.getStyle().setAlignment(Component.CENTER); 
> btBoton.setTextPosition(Component.BOTTOM); btBoton.setEnabled(activa); 
> return btBoton; } 
> I created my own UIID, but for testing purposes I am using the UIID 
> "Dialog" that comes with the theme you select. In other words: all 
> buttons should show the same design and as the image shows it is not. It 
> is important to mention that with the buttons I am implementing the Badge 
> api (I proved removing them and I got the same problem). below the rest 
> of my code:
> public FormaAccion(Form fmRetorno, Visita vTa) { super(new 
> BorderLayout()); formaVisita = FormaVisita.getInstancia(fmRetorno); 
> singleton = Singleton.getInstancia(); uSr = UsuarioService.getUsuario(); 
> idioma = new Idioma(Preferences.get("idioma", ESPANOL)); 
> this.setTitle(Preferences.get("nombreEmpresa", "no encontrado")); 
> this.getToolbar().setBackCommand("", e -> retorno(fmRetorno)); Orden1 o = 
> new Orden1(); o.visitaId.set(vTa.visitaId.get()); ArrayList aOrden = 
> consultaTablas(o, ORDEN1); seleccionOrdenesPorVisita(aOrden, 
> vTa.visitaId.get()); Accion a = new Accion(); 
> a.id.set(Long.parseLong(vTa.visitaId.get().toString() + 
> vTa.tipoVisita.get().toString())); a.visitaId.set(vTa.visitaId.get()); 
> ArrayList aAccion = consultaTablas(a, ACCION); Orden1 oRd = 
> seleccionOrdenesPorTipo(aOrden, VISITA_VENTA); Orden1 cTz = 
> seleccionOrdenesPorTipo(aOrden, VISITA_COTIZAR); Accion aFt = 
> seleccionAccionPorTipo(aAccion, VISITA_FOTO); Accion aRu = 
> seleccionAccionPorTipo(aAccion, VISITA_REUBICAR); Accion cBr = 
> seleccionAccionPorTipo(aAccion, VISITA_COBRO); Accion aGr = 
> seleccionAccionPorTipo(aAccion, VISITA_AGENDAR); Label lbCliente = new 
> Label(vTa.nombreCliente.get(), "MultiLine1"); Label lbCodigoCliente = new 
> Label(vTa.codigoCliente.get(), "MultiLine2"); Label lbDescripcion = new 
> Label(vTa.descripcion.get(), "MultiLine4"); SpanLabel lbDireccion = new 
> SpanLabel(vTa.direccion.get(), "MultiLine3"); 
> lbDireccion.setTextBlockAlign(Component.CENTER); Style s = 
> UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Label"); Button btCobro = 
> creaBoton(idioma.getCobro(), activaBoton(vTa.accion.get(), 
> Integer.toString(VISITA_COBRO))); FontImage.setMaterialIcon(btCobro, 
> FontImage.MATERIAL_PAYMENT, 10); FloatingActionButton badgeCobro = 
> FloatingActionButton.createBadge(""); Button btAgendar = 
> creaBoton(idioma.getAgendar(), activaBoton(vTa.accion.get(), 
> Integer.toString(VISITA_AGENDAR))); FontImage.setMaterialIcon(btAgendar, 
> FontImage.MATERIAL_PERM_CONTACT_CALENDAR, 10); FloatingActionButton 
> badgeAgendar = FloatingActionButton.createBadge(""); Button btCotizar = 
> creaBoton(idioma.getCotizar(), activaBoton(vTa.accion.get(), 
> Integer.toString(VISITA_COTIZAR))); FontImage.setMaterialIcon(btCotizar, 
> FontImage.MATERIAL_SHOPPING_BASKET, 10); FloatingActionButton badgeCotizar 
> = FloatingActionButton.createBadge(""); Button btOrden = 
> creaBoton(idioma.getOrden(), activaBoton(vTa.accion.get(), 
> Integer.toString(VISITA_VENTA))); FontImage.setMaterialIcon(btOrden, 
> FontImage.MATERIAL_HOME_WORK, 10); FloatingActionButton badgeOrden = 
> FloatingActionButton.createBadge(""); Button btFoto = 
> creaBoton(idioma.getFoto(), activaBoton(vTa.accion.get(), 
> Integer.toString(VISITA_FOTO))); FontImage.setMaterialIcon(btFoto, 
> FontImage.MATERIAL_CAMERA_ALT, 10); FloatingActionButton badgeFoto = 
> FloatingActionButton.createBadge(""); Button btReubicar = 
> creaBoton(idioma.getReubicar(), activaBoton(vTa.accion.get(), 
> Integer.toString(VISITA_REUBICAR))); FontImage.setMaterialIcon(btReubicar, 
> FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON_PIN, 10); FloatingActionButton badgeReubicar = 
> FloatingActionButton.createBadge(""); Container cnContacto = 
> containerContacto(idioma, s, vTa); Container cnTitulo = new Container(new 
> BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)).add(lbCliente).add(lbCodigoCliente).add(lbDescripcion).add(lbDireccion).add(new
> Label(" ")).add(cnContacto).add(separador()); Container cnBotones = new 
> Container(new GridLayout(3, 2)) .add(new Container(new 
> BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> badgeCobro.bindFabToContainer(btCobro, Component.LEFT, Component.TOP))) 
> .add(new Container(new BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> badgeAgendar.bindFabToContainer(btAgendar, Component.LEFT, Component.TOP))) 
> .add(new Container(new BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> badgeCotizar.bindFabToContainer(btCotizar, Component.LEFT, Component.TOP))) 
> .add(new Container(new BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> badgeOrden.bindFabToContainer(btOrden, Component.LEFT, Component.TOP))) 
> .add(new Container(new BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> badgeFoto.bindFabToContainer(btFoto, Component.LEFT, Component.TOP))) 
> .add(new Container(new BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> badgeReubicar.bindFabToContainer(btReubicar, Component.LEFT, 
> Component.TOP))); 
> Container cnMarco = new Container(new 
> BorderLayout()).add(BorderLayout.NORTH, cnTitulo).add(BorderLayout.CENTER, 
> cnBotones); singleton.actualizaEstado(cBr.estado.get(), badgeCobro); 
> singleton.actualizaEstado(aGr.estado.get(), badgeAgendar); 
> singleton.actualizaEstado(cTz.estado.get(), badgeCotizar); 
> singleton.actualizaEstado(oRd.estado.get(), badgeOrden); 
> singleton.actualizaEstado(aFt.estado.get(), badgeFoto); 
> singleton.actualizaEstado(aRu.estado.get(), badgeReubicar); 
> singleton.setBadgeAgendar(badgeAgendar); 
> singleton.setBadgeCobro(badgeCobro); 
> singleton.setBadgeCotizar(badgeCotizar); singleton.setBadgeFoto(badgeFoto); 
> singleton.setBadgeOrden(badgeOrden); 
> singleton.setBadgeReubicar(badgeReubicar); btFoto.addActionListener((e) -> 
> { new FormaAcciones(this, vTa, aFt).show(); }); 
> btAgendar.addActionListener((e) -> { new FormaAcciones(this, vTa, 
> aGr).show(); }); btCobro.addActionListener((e) -> { new FormaAcciones(this, 
> vTa, cBr).show(); }); btReubicar.addActionListener((e) -> { new 
> FormaAcciones(this, vTa, aRu).show(); }); btOrden.addActionListener((e) -> 
> { new FormaOrden(this, vTa, oRd).show(); }); 
> btCotizar.addActionListener((e) -> { new FormaOrden(this, vTa, cTz).show(); 
> }); Button btCerrar = new Button(idioma.getMensaje38(), 
> FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_VERIFIED_USER, 
> UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Title"), 10)); 
> btCerrar.addActionListener((e) -> { vTa.estado.set(COMPLETADO); 
> vTa.fechaFuenteFin.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); 
> vTa.tipoVisita.set(VISITA_FIN); vTa.modoPendiente.set(MODO_CAMBIO); 
> procesaRegistro(vTa, MODO_CAMBIO); actualizaVisitaAsincrona(vTa, 
> vTa.fechaFuenteFin.get()); Control em = new Control(); 
> em.usuario.set(uSr.usuario.get()); ArrayList aEvento = consultaTablas(em, 
> CONTROL); em = (Control) aEvento.get(0); adicionMarcacion(EVENTO_VISITA, 
> EVENTO_FIN, 0, vTa.visitaId.get(), em.numeroControlMarcacion.get()); 
> formaVisita.cambiaEstadoItemVisita(vTa.estado.get()); 
> muestraVisitas(formaVisita.getContenedorVisitas()); fmRetorno.showBack(); 
> }); Style sMarco = cnMarco.getUnselectedStyle(); 
> sMarco.setBgTransparency(255); sMarco.setBgColor(0xeeeeee); 
> sMarco.setMarginUnit(Style.UNIT_TYPE_DIPS); 
> sMarco.setPaddingUnit(Style.UNIT_TYPE_DIPS); sMarco.setMargin(4, 3, 3, 3); 
> sMarco.setPadding(2, 2, 2, 2); this.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, cnMarco); 
> this.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, btCerrar); 
> this.setTransitionInAnimator(CommonTransitions.createFade(500)); } * 
> private Button creaBoton(String texto, boolean activa) { String uiid = 
> activa ? "Dialog" : "Dialog"; Button btBoton = new Button(texto, uiid); 
> btBoton.getStyle().setAlignment(Component.CENTER); 
> btBoton.setTextPosition(Component.BOTTOM); btBoton.setEnabled(activa); 
> return btBoton; }* private boolean activaBoton(String accion, String 
> tipo) { if (tipo.indexOf(accion) == -1) { return false; } return true; } 
> private ArrayList seleccionOrdenesPorVisita(ArrayList aOrden1, Long id) { 
> ArrayList lresp = new ArrayList(); for (Object r : aOrden1) { Orden1 o = 
> (Orden1) r; if (o.visitaId.get().equals(id)) { lresp.add(o); } } return 
> lresp; } private Orden1 seleccionOrdenesPorTipo(ArrayList aOrden1, int 
> tipo) { for (Object r : aOrden1) { Orden1 o = (Orden1) r; if 
> (o.tipo.get().equals(tipo)) { return o; } } Orden1 o1 = new Orden1(); 
> o1.tipo.set(tipo); return o1; } private Accion 
> seleccionAccionPorTipo(ArrayList aAccion, int tipo) { for (Object r : 
> aAccion) { Accion o = (Accion) r; if (o.tipo.get().equals(tipo)) { return 
> o; } } Accion o1 = new Accion(); o1.tipo.set(tipo); return o1; } public 
> void retorno(Form r) { super.showBack(); //To change body of generated 
> methods, choose Tools | Templates. 
> muestraVisitas(formaVisita.getContenedorVisitas());; r.showBack(); } } 

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