I am { }zzY from Turkey / Istanbul
I am a helper in #mIRC (UnderNeT of course)
I found something. I think that's a bug in ircU...
"middae" , "Necroman" and "magic" think like me too... And same mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] too...
Pls. read following;
--- START ---
*** magic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #ozzy
*** {}zzY sets mode: +o magic

<{}zzY> hi
<{}zzY> I will ban ozzy
<magic> hi
<{}zzY> with his nickname...
*** {}zzY sets mode: +b ozzy*!*@*
<{}zzY> [22:37] <ozzy> test
<{}zzY> #ozzy Cannot send to channel
<{}zzY> ozzy can't talk now because he is banned
*** ozzy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has left #ozzy
<magic> yeah
*** ozzzzy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #ozzy
<ozzzzy> now I can talk because
<ozzzzy> my nick isn't banned
<magic> yup
*** ozzzzy is now known as ozzy
<ozzy> now I can talk too... But my nickname is banned :-)
<magic> hmmm
<magic> hehe
<{}zzY> ;-) this is the problem
<{}zzY> now...
*** {}zzY sets mode: +b *!*baaaaa@*
<{}zzY> when I set a new ban ozzy can't talk again . After it's updated, ozzy couldn't talk again...
*** ozzy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has left #ozzy
*** ozzzzy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #ozzy
<ozzy> I can talk now, because my nick isn't banned.
*** ozzzzy is now known as ozzy

<ozzy> I can talk now, but my nick banned
*** {}zzY sets mode: -b *!*baaaaa@*
<{}zzY> I unset a ban
<{}zzY> it must be updated
<ozzy> but I can talk again :)
<{}zzY> when we set a ban, banlist is updated...
<{}zzY> when we unset a ban, banlist isn't updated...
<magic> ok, email ferrago@undernet,org
<{}zzY> so this isn't a bug, right?
<magic> i donno
<magic> i guess it is..
--- END ---
                                       { }zzY @ UnderNeT #mIRC

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