i manage to get a version ( i don't know if it is the last but this is not he
subject of this mail) of ircu (ircu2.10) and i had some problems... :)
by the way... great job...it works really faster than any other irc server.. :)
well, with your permission i shall tell you what i didn't manage to understood..
i'm sorry for the any spelling / grammar mistakes ..i am romanian :)
well, i put at server name piatraneamt.ro.EU.UnderNet.org ..
why when i connect from  my box it shows to me that my hostname is 
piatraneamt.ro.EU.UnderNet.org ?
related to this : i have nameserver running from my box and i use as alias
irc.dangerousdevils.org... when i write /server irc.dangerousdevils.org it
K-line me ("Looking up irc.dangerousdevils.org ...
--- Connecting to irc.dangerousdevils.org ( port 6667..
--- Connected. Now logging in..
--- AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname
--- AUTH :*** Found your hostname, cached
--- AUTH :*** Checking Ident
--- AUTH :*** No ident response
--- MOTD File is missing
--- Connection from your host is refused on this server.
--- Closing Link: BFG|on by piatraneamt.ro.Eu.UnderNet.org (K-lined)
--- Disconnected."
it works only when i write /server 127.1 ...
and another thing : how can i modify or where can i modify something to allow
me to connect "x" times from my box...
when i try to connect twice it says:"Looking up 127.1 ...
--- Connecting to 127.1 ( port 6667..
--- Connected. Now logging in..
--- AUTH :*** Checking Ident
--- AUTH :*** No ident response
--- BFG|on already in use. Retrying with BFG|mad ...
--- Closing Link: BFG|mad by piatraneamt.ro.Eu.UnderNet.org (Too many
connections from your host)"
thank you from the informations if u want to help me.
by the way.. i have the nick BFG|on and i sit on #unixro .. :)
thank you another time for any help.

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