> Hi thanks for the reply. Yes I am pretty sure my conf is setup right and all
> the lines are added as needed. Actually, it all started to work correctly
> this morning. I didn't touch anything, just started the ircd up. Anyway,
> what do I edit to allow nicknames to be more than 9 chars?

You should CC [EMAIL PROTECTED] on your replies; I don't always have
the time to answer questions, and besides, it gives others a chance to
respond.  (You learn 90% of what you teach another.)

Anyway, you want to edit include/ircd_defs.h and modify NICKLEN.  Be
careful that all servers on your network (if any) have the same NICKLEN!
Otherwise, your entire network could crash the first time someone logs in
with a 10-character nickname...
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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