I have a question about zombie:

// ----------------------
// If the KICK message is issued for a user on the same
// server of the sender, the KICK is authoritative, and
// we may proceed to remove the user from the channel.
// In all other cases, the server will issue a PART
// message for the user that will make us acknowledge
// the KICK has happened. During this phase the user
// is placed in zombie state. However, the server has
// the ability to send a MODE or a JOIN while the user
// is in zombie state. If the MODE issued for the user
// is a +o, or JOIN is issued, the user gets reinstated
// in the channel and the zombie state is cleared out.
// The server can accept the MODE and the JOIN silently
// or bounce them back to the sender, thus invalidating
// the command sent.

The last sentence is a bit unclear.  It says that a server may bounce 
back a JOIN or MODE +o on a zombie client.  However, if this happens, 
does the client go back to the zombie state, or is it back to normal 
channel user state?


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