I believe u2.10.11 is nearing completion.  I decided to compare pl15 against
it, and these are the statistics I see:

               | u2.10.11 | u2.10.10.pl15
 Source lines  |    57895 |         57374
               |          |
 Binary size   |  1109757 |        861208
               |          |
 Disk used     |  3801088 |       3317760
               |          |
 Total lines   |    91970 |         78500
               |          |
 Tar file size |  3225600 |       2734080
   gzip -9     |   716333 |        542999

Unified diff size: 2919897 bytes with 89010 lines
Removed lines: 30607
Added lines: 44042

Of course, some of these figures are dependant on the way I've done things.
I used -kk when checking the trees out, so that will affect the byte count.
I used cvs rdiff when generating the diff, so $Id$ lines are counted.  The
binary size is also of course dependant on the compilation configuration;
it should be remembered that a lot of compile-time code is now always
compiled, and whether or not it gets used is selected by run-time options.

Of course, pl15 has not yet been released, and any changes made to it may
need to be forward-ported to u2.10.11 before we can release it.  There's
also a small amount of documentation left to do.  When both of these are
taken care of, I'd like to push for branching u2.10.11 off, entering a
feature freeze, and beginning the formal alpha test phase.

Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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