As was most eloquently pointed out to me off-list (Thanks Guppy :P) I 
neglected to consider information hidden by the clients...

Disregard my attempt at humour ... :/

At 08:49 3/07/2001 +1200, you wrote:
>well NO... we still want to be able to see the IPs of people in channels, 
>if not the server theyre on (all  that is hidden right now)
>Unless youre really deliberately trying to turn this into 
> :P
>PS: Hey Wenny :)
>At 22:21 2/07/2001 +1000, you wrote:
>>might wish to remove server names in /who #chan too ? too, perhaps to state
>>same as /whois nick output (*
>>" If it happens, it must be possible "

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