At the moment a lot of people appear to be confused, or misinformed about ircu.
I would like to take the time to correct this misconceptions.

1) Undernets IRC Daemon prevents people from doing a remote whois.

This is wrong, as a normal user you can still remote whois, however you can
only query the server that the user is on.  This means that 
/whois Isomer still works, except it will query the server
that I'm on, not  Shrug, Sorry.

2) Undernets IRC Daemon hides idle times always.

This is also wrong, as a normal user, you can still get peoples idle time
by using remote whois.  Thus /whois Isomer Isomer will still show my idle
time.  What won't work is /whois Bleep, even if I'm on the same server as
bleep, it won't show the idle time.  However, If I want to know Bleep's
idle time, I can /whois Bleep Bleep and see it.  So in general I've tried
very hard to make it so that things that /whois is normally used for is
preserved.  Hopefully many people will never notice the change.

3) Undernet is being run by the CIA/FBI/Illuminati.

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