Hi, I would like to know why you remove some commands like links and
time the server and hide the server in whois? These commands are very
useful expecialy when the server lag or split , and some of these
commands save some bandwich to your server. Like when I want to know who
lag on a chan my script(www.pairc.com) do a ctcp time to each
server(Now, if I'm one some of your new server when I want to know if is
the person lag or the server I do a whois nick nick, the server sent me
5-6 lines with whois and only 1 with time) This method avoid to ctcp
ping all chan and save few bandwich on your server. Or when you lag whit
someone and you want to go on same server and the server is
*.undernet.org is not very useful. The links or map commands can help if
one of your HUB split or lag to know wich server is linked with another
person server. If you don't want to able the map or links command you
could put the entire map on undernet.org/server.php . I think as long
your server have lag, split and other problem I think that you must keep
these commands on your undernet server. The day that your server will
never have split or lag these commands will be useless, but for now
please leave them on each server.


Remi Charbonneau

P.S. Sorry for my english , i'm french.

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