[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 23/08/2001 00:26:26:

> [11:24] -X- Auth: jcar114 [500] BlakJak [100] crispy [100]
> [11:24] -X- Auth: jcar114/dess|afk [500] BlakJak/Blak|Work [100] 
> crispy/DodgyUni [100]
> The difference between these two reports - I wasnt in #auckland for the 
> first one, and i was in the second.
> Wouldnt it be useful to see what NICK people are using when youre NOT IN 

> THE CHANNEL to see what nick theyre using?!!!!
> Changes for changes sake? or can someone actually justify this?

The idea is as follows:

You don't get to see the nick of the user in the status reply if *they* 
are not on the channel - that way you can't quickly adduser someone, then 
do a status to find out their nickname.

The reason 'status' is acting as it is now, is because I hadn't finished 
the changes to the command before GNUWorld core'd the other day; so X was 
restarted prematurely with this unfinished status command version.

You can sleep easy safe in the knowledge that it'll be working as expected 
as soon as there are enough changes in to warrant another restart.


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