Hi there,

I've just noticed that the undernet has disabled the /links command.

This is a little annoying, because i wrote a script long time ago that
can update the servers list within my mirc and now just returns an
error message.

I guess you did this to prevent some idiots causing intentioned 
netsplits by attacking a special server... maybe, maybe not... just
a guess.

Now, i've got an idea:
As you are able to send a notice that it has been disabled, why
don't you let the server reply with a file with a sorted server list?
(that of course doesn't contain the for the user non-usable routers)

So you reach what you want (hiding special servers and make it 
impossible to get a network map), but the user has got a complete
server list (a list is not a map).

Maybe you do this with the /map command as well.

What do you think about this?

Best regards, Jan "BRiTELiTE" K.

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