> I m running .11 on a testnet, and suddenly I saw that something is
> missing....... whatever I set as SNO_MASK, I cant see user conn./disconn.
> !?!?!
> I looked if any F line to set, nothing found, nor in example.conf nor in
> readme.features, nor in ircd_features.c, am I missing something?
> As I'm builing the GenEthic Server Bot compatible for pl18 and .11, I need
> this feature...

This feature isn't usually used on Undernet.  It appears that user
connection and exit notices have been removed from the code.  I
probably based that decision on the high load that would result from
their generation, even when turned off by an F-line, as well as
possible privacy issues.  I'm afraid you're going to have to
provide a very good argument for us to consider adding them back...
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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