> I got some problems to change web add on /links and /map command on ircu2.10.
> 18. How do i do that? How do i change *.undernet.org from server on /whois re
> play? Do you have a completed command list for ircu2.10.18. Is there posseble
>  to get vhost on oper command and add lines into ircd.conf from irc client?

There hasn't even been an official u2.10.11 release yet, so I assume you mean
u2.10.10.pl18.  For toggling the activation of /links and /map, I suggest you
look in include/ircd_policy.h.  You should also be able to change the network
name to something other than "*.undernet.org" in that file.  If you really
want a command list, connect to the IRC server and do "/quote help" or
"/raw help", depending on your client--but nothing's changed since the
u2.10.10.pl17 release.  I have no idea what you mean by "vhost on oper
command."  It is not possible to edit the ircd.conf from a client connection.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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