[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/02/2002 20:21:39:

> First I banned in #cyprus4us the user schumy^*!*@* and i parted X
> as the log shows. The ban wasnt in X's banlist
> >x< part #cyprus4us
> <-- X ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has left #cyprus4us (At the request
> of n3tguy)
> <n3tguy> efie snif
> >x< join #cyprus4us
> --> X ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #cyprus4us
> >x< unban #cyprus4us Schumy^
> -X- Removed 1 bans that matched
> The ban wasnt removed. The bot doesnt check for ops in the
> channel.
> -- n3tguy
> _____________________________
> CytaNet WebMail
> http://webmail.cytanet.com.cy

Fixed. :)

Cheers, Greg

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