> The /dev/epoll patch is good, but the interface is different enough
> from /dev/poll that ircd would need a new engine_epoll.c anyway.
> (It would look like a cross between engine_devpoll.c and engine_rtsig.c,
> as it would need to be notified by os_linux.c of any EWOULDBLOCK return values.
> Both rtsigs and /dev/epoll only provide 'I just became ready' notification,
> but no 'I'm not ready anymore' notification.)

I don't understand what it is you're saying here.  The ircu server uses
non-blocking sockets, and has since long before EfNet and Undernet branched,
so it already handles EWOULDBLOCK or EAGAIN intelligently, as far as I know.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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