
i think i found a bug in ircu, when you change the topic in local channels ,
&* chans
the server forwards the topic change to other servers, and they give a 403
reply because the channel doesn't exist

-> Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org TOPIC &test :bleh?
<- :[EMAIL PROTECTED] TOPIC &test :bleh?
<- :Flanders.Be.Eu.Undernet.org 403 Da_QuiK &test :No such channel

i get the error message from the first linked server when i try it on my own

-> RoboWars.NY.US.FluxNet.Org TOPIC &test :bleh?
<- :[EMAIL PROTECTED] TOPIC &test :bleh?
<- :H38.NY.US.FluxNet.org 403 Da_QuiK &test :No such channel

the server shouldn't forward the topic change to linked servers, i know it's
a small bug ;)


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