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> I'm a helpdesker from Boxke Shellservices and do setup many ircds, eggs =
> etc. Now there were some costumers which want to use IRCu(becaus` of =
> GNUWorld) but also want a mode so colors can't be writed/displayed in =
> channel. Also there are other costumers that want a other mode that =
> doesn't allow any Control-codes. Maybe some new ideas for ircu3? :p
> aren't possible in channel

Although we're in most cases willing to help out other users of ircu, our
primary focus is still the Undernet.  On that network, we have to deal with
peak user loads that are approaching 100,000 users, with individual servers
having 10,000 or more clients.  In this environment, the CPU cost associated
with filtering *any* PRIVMSG is prohibitive.  We are not likely to adopt
such a feature, I'm afraid.  At best, we could allow setting a +c channel
mode that would act as an advisory setting--basically a flag setting to warn
clients as to the policy of the channel.  I am not completely convinced that
this is a reasonable thing to do, however.

Sorry we can't be of more assistance...
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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