Le jeu 14 mar 2002 à 20h52, Carlo Wood a écrit :
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 06:55:43PM +0100, Carlo Wood wrote:
> > As soon as the project is created I will post a follow up.
> I don't believe it, but the savannah %@#%@$@$ turned the project down
> and
> refuse to support it on their site...  Remove your accounts again
> there
> I'd say.

sieg heil, ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer? I'd say.

>  This is just something that involves all major IRC networks
> with
> 500 volunteers and all together a million or so users in an attempt to
> standardize the client-server IRC protocol... blah.
> Maybe sourceforge has more common sense.
> Ruben, can you try to get a project accepted there?  Perhaps it is me
> and
> how I formulated it (see below) :/ (http://www.sourceforge.net/)
> Run @ IRC

Your registration wasnt clear and wasnt qualify the project as a Free 
Software or a Free Documentation.

This kind of « cow-boy demonstration » seems to me very very 
unappropriate. Will you send your task-force ?


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