At 21:00 07/04/2002, Cti- wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Yesterday I succesfully compiled GNUworld and website and both of them =
>> working properly atm.
>> I have just a major problem. When I try to register usernames from =
>> website I fill the form and send it
>> than "Your registyration e-mail has been sent ... etc" Line appers. But =
>> I do not get the e-mail if I use=20
>> a POP3 account. I tried it on 2 different POP3 e-mail address and both =
>> of them did not work but when I
>> tried it on hotmail It worked succesfully. Does anyone have an idea =
>> about that ?
>> Thanks Cti-
>I Hope its plain txt now.... :P


yeah it's plaintext ... ;)
well you may want to check locally to your machine the 

# mailq

or the logs of your local smtp agent to check what exactly was the
reason why the mail could not be delivered.

I can assure you the PHP calls the function to send the email, but this
will only work if you have "something" able to send emails on your machine
for example sendmail or postfix or any other SMTP capable software.

PHP by default uses the sendmail command specified in php.ini (formerly sendmail -i or 
if your sendmail installation is not placed under the path i think you would want to
change it in php.ini and restart apache for changes to take effect.
If you dont have an SMTP agent, i suggest you download and install one 
If you use Postfix, it should install a "wrapper" to sendmail.. e.g. postfix will 
a "script" that will allow programms calling lines like "sendmail -i <some other 
args>" to be passed to
postfix correctly... I think the only reasons why you cant get your site to send mails 
could be :

        - no local SMTP agent
        - badly configured local SMTP agent
        - NAT'd network and locally the machine can't access the remote network/and or 
recipient's MX
        - the 'sendmail' binary/script can't be found with default options of the 
"php.ini" file (prolly in /usr/local/lib/php.ini)

Check mailq, /var/adm/log/maillog (or /var/adm/log/messages), /var/spool/mqueue, 
and read your SMTP agent's manual for any questions regarding it.


                            nighty - Undernet IRC Operator
                               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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