> What about a network where there is many 1-2 sec lag between servers (an
> example). If, let say, 3 or 4 servers decide to 'jump' at the same time... I
> wont list all problem that could occur, but there is a need for a pre-jump
> (to the network and some sort of aknolegment after that) command telling
> other servers to wait a little before their jump and maybe reconsider after
> the fist one (via the secondary link of course, and propaging to all servers
> and secondary link and coming back the same way to say 'oki', but not being
> stopped if there is no answer at all... (blah)).

Given that this fallback isn't intended for dynamic routing, just for making
a split transparent, I'm not certain this really is a problem.  I can
however see a possible problem where a secondary link is established just
before a break occurs during a lagged condition--the SQUIT and SECONDARY
would end up crossing, and some servers would end up seeing the server go
away anyway...

> There is also the problem that secondary server would be fine for leaf
> servers, but what about hubs? It's for the hub that it would be the more
> usefull, but it is also where problems begins: We have to be carefull to
> avoid some sort of long term netbreak if 1 hub decide to jump to an other
> hub but creating 2 seperate groups that way... There must be a checking
> mecanism ;p
> I don't know it this if this is 'clear' but if you play with a sheet of
> paper, some dots and line, wou'll see what i mean :o)

My intent is to fail over to the secondaries only if a primary link falls
over, so I'm not sure if this problem is still there...
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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