today .. i helping user on #cservice .. and anyone stoled your 
password .. and then .. he go to "Forgotten Pass" to receive a "New 
Pass" .. then he received the pass .. more when he tried to login a 
username he get a error.. +- so "X- auth failed(max login is 1) i 
dont remember the msg sure" then because who stoled your username 
make login in seu username and seted the max logins 1. so he cant 
login to  your username for change a pass, then we need a kill the 
people who using your username for he login again to your username .. 
so .." Think .. is have many peoples the same error? .. need kill 
all? " .. i think maybe is to creat a new command to X.

One Example i Think :) - Disable or unlogin maybe.
Unlogin could function so, who thus had the correct password in the 
X.. can so send one command to X and thus the X would cancel the 
Login of the person who was logged. would be good I thinks... :)

just a suggestion .. MiTNiCk :) thanks.

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