On Fri, 10 May 2002, Alexander Maassen wrote:

> Question is: Where are those 68 opers if they don't help users (wich they do
> not need to, ok), wich means they would have plenty of time for this.

        There are only a few opers who deal with routing the
network...purely because they're the ones who know what they're doing and
get recognised as the authorities on the matter...there's also a lot of
politics to do with routing, like US opers don't like to touch the routing
of EU servers (and vice versa).  Practical upshot, unless there are
opers about willing/able to re-route the network when there's lag, it
stays the way it is until some turn up.  Yes it sucks, but it's how it is
and how it's been for ages.

Chris "_Shad0w_" Crowther

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