Heres the complication:
Due to the stupidness of the FAT(32) and possibly NTFS file systems,
Configure.in will overwrite configure.in and will lead to some complications
when running `make config'.

heres what I did:
I decompressed it in Linux and changed the file Configure.in to
konfigure.in.  I then went through all the Makefiles and replaced Configure
with konfigure.  No change of code was necessary in any case.  The code will
still compile successfully under *nix, although for Cygwin the bind port I
put on the site will be needed as it puts a library into the Cygwin
libraries that is missing.

Its all pretty simple.  Thus it wouldn't be difficult to port 2.10.12
(unless things have changed that cygwin doesn't support)

Once I get around to it, I'll begin porting other versions.

P.S. Thanx for finding that counter bug.  I'll see about fixing it right

----- Original Message -----
From: "Isomer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Aaron Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Coder-Com] Re: i got it

> > ok
> >
> > heres the site: http://darkie.lyximer.net/ircu2cyg/
> >
> I'm fascinated by the amount of work you must have put into this to get
> it to work under windows.  I would be interested if we could merge some
> (all?) of your patches into ircu and if you would help us maintain a
> windows port of the software.  How many changes did you have to make?
> (I'm lazy, I would just d/l it and diff it :) would it be very difficult
> port 2.10.12?
> (btw: you're counter is horribly insecure, it lets you put
> "/tmp/foo.dat" in the url, and probably other (more damaging) file
> locations.)
> --
> Massachusetts has the best politicians money can buy.

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