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here is my question:

in the IRC Undernet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Part 2 of 2) from
Mandar M. Mirashi, I found these information:

3-8)  Can I move my channel to the Undernet? What are the advantages of
      doing so? How do I register a channel?

      You're welcome to start up your favourite channel on the Undernet
      well. Consider the many advantages. Much better facilities for
      chatting, without the annoyingly frequent netsplits; much lesser
      (check with /ping #channelname for yourself :); protection against
      netsplit op riders who try to disrupt channels; no channel
      amongst the other advantages listed earlier.  We may even be able
      set up a gateway service between the same channels on both nets,
      all channel members are willing. (email [EMAIL PROTECTED],
      if you wish to do this; or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Undernet operators are always willing to
      help you in this endeavour, so don't hesitate to ask us.

Unfortunately this is not very actual so I want to know if this is still
possible because I'm interested in linking two or more channels on
different nets to create a bigger community.

Another interesting gateway service I would like to get information
about is described here:

3-9)  Can I communicate with someone on the EFnet once I'm on the
      (or vice-versa)

      Occasionally, a few gateway services can be found on the Undernet
      which allow you to communicate to someone not on the same net, or
      which link channels. These include 'ul' - programmed by Tonto
      ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), || - programmed by Wildthang
(dvmitche@mailhost., Orac - programmed by Ensor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
      and miscellaneous others (including some by Run). Look around if
      any of these is present, and if so, try /msg servicename help.

I did not find any of these services.

Thank you for your help.



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